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NFU Fruit Forum 2024



Soft and top fruit spraying with XAG drones

10 Jul 2024
NFU Fruit Forum

This seminar will address the use of drones in UK horticulture for soft, top & vineyard use including but not limited to:   

•    Precision application of products without damage to soil structure or compaction
•    Variable rate application of fertilizer and foliar feeds when coupled with survey drone
•    Down wash from props allows for better all over leaf contact of product, particularly for mildew issue, which can be treated with sulphur or copper 
•    Variable rate spraying (map created by survey drone) for thinning of flowering, to ensure better fruit sizing and uniformity
•    Pest spraying according to moth trap data, night spraying while pest is active and beneficials are dormant

Peter Johnson, Director - Quadrotor Services Ltd

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