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NFU Fruit Forum 2024



Priorities for the horticulture sector

10 Jul 2024
NFU Fruit Forum

Join this seminar and hear from the NFU about their priorities to help champion horticulture chaired by Christine McDowell, NFU Senior Policy Specialist.  Panel and topics will include below as well as a 25 minutes Q&A.  Do not miss this key seminar as well as a chance to share your thoughts.    

  • Martin Emmett, NFU Horticulture & Potato Board Chairman will set out the latest NFU activity and what he’d like to see from the new government
  • Emma Crosby, NFU External Affairs will take Fruit Focus visitors through what a new government agenda might look like & what they’ll want to achieve in their first 100 days
  • Tom Price, NFU Employment & Skills adviser will cover the policy developments affecting labour and skills and provide the latest update on the Sedex situation
  • Rupert Weaver, NFU Horticulture & Potatoes Adviser will shine a spotlight on the independently run farm assurance review, and how members can get involved
Christine McDowell, Senior Policy Specialist - NFU
Martin Emmett, Chair - NFU Horticulture and Potatoes Board
Emma Crosby, External Affairs Manager - NFU
Tom Price, Policy Adviser - NFU
Rupert Weaver, Horticulture Adviser - NFU

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