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British Summer Fruits

British Summer Fruits'is the industry body representing 95% of all British grown berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and cherries) purchased by the UK's supermarkets and retailers.'Our members also supply a large proportion of berries imported into the UK.'

Our aim is to increase the year-round consumption of berries in the UK, working closely with British growers during the spring and summer months, and collaborating with UK importers and overseas exporters during winter and early spring.

The organisation supports and represents the needs of British berry growers by promoting our industry to the public, liaising with government on relevant issues and collaborating with other industry bodies such as the National Farmers Union, British Growers and the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board.

We finance and oversee a year round proactive PR and social media campaign,'Love Fresh Berries. This campaign showcases the health benefits, versatility and all-round availability of berries in the UK with the objective of growing demand for fresh berries by introducing new consumers, and increasing the frequency of purchase.

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